I actually attempted to do my own blog of a photo a day last year but didn't manage to get very far into 2010 with it, so hopefully having a website like this will encourage me to share my pictures more regularly!

At the start of this year I made a resolution that I would learn to take better Read more...

I actually attempted to do my own blog of a photo a day last year but didn't manage to get very far into 2010 with it, so hopefully having a website like this will encourage me to share my pictures more regularly!

At the start of this year I made a resolution that I would learn to take better photographs. I love all types of photography, from black and white to vivid colours. I find it really interesting if there is a story attached to the photo and it really is a glimpse into someone elses world.

Hopefully this will encourage me to take more photos and become a better photographer!

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