- from United Kingdom
- 101 entries
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I enjoy photography, it has been commented that my photos never have any people in them.
I've just become the proud owner of a Canon EOS 450D and I look forward to mastering it.
And of course trying to take more photos with people in!
Mar 11th, 2015 #40days #rethinkchuch #wise
Mar 10th, 2015 #40days #rethinkchuch #knowledge
Mar 9th, 2015 #40days #rethinkchuch #sabbath
Mar 8th, 2015 #40days #rethinkchuch #celebrate
Mar 7th, 2015 #40days #rethinkchuch #speak
Mar 6th, 2015 #40days #rethinkchuch #beloved
Mar 5th, 2015 #40days #rethinkchuch #follow
Mar 4th, 2015 #40days #rethinkchuch #Poor
Mar 3rd, 2015 #40days #rethinkchuch #near