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After adding 1000 blipping pictures, it is time to add a short biography. I am Steve, living with Helena, in Stroud. I think that is short enough until I find some more suitable words.
This photo of me was taken by my friend Richard Donkin, when we first met on our blip meet in Septembe Read more...
After adding 1000 blipping pictures, it is time to add a short biography. I am Steve, living with Helena, in Stroud. I think that is short enough until I find some more suitable words.
This photo of me was taken by my friend Richard Donkin, when we first met on our blip meet in September 2012. Thanks for letting me use it Richard.
Now I have added four years worth of images and the site is staggering on. I have promised to add an email address for anyone who wants to keep in contact with me in other ways.
stevephurrell at googlemail.com
Oct 14th, 2018 A 'Sausage Festival' feast with Nick's family
Oct 13th, 2018 Andrew coming to pick us up
Oct 12th, 2018 Blickling Hall, near Aylsham, Norfolk
Oct 11th, 2018 The seal colony on Horsey Beach, Norfolk
Oct 10th, 2018 Kingfisher flying past Judy's garden
Oct 9th, 2018 Wyefield Apiaries at Bee Farmers Association AGM
Oct 8th, 2018 French walnuts picked from Keith's tree
Oct 7th, 2018 Stroud's Annual Canal Raft Race
Oct 6th, 2018 Possibly the last pick of climbing French beans