- from United Kingdom
- 621 entries
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Although not new to photography, (a 1970s vintage Olympus OM1 gathering dust on a shelf in my study is testament to that). I have not long returned to picture taking after a long lay off.
I have been encouraged to join Blip by my wife after hearing of the site whilst on a landscape pho Read more...
Although not new to photography, (a 1970s vintage Olympus OM1 gathering dust on a shelf in my study is testament to that). I have not long returned to picture taking after a long lay off.
I have been encouraged to join Blip by my wife after hearing of the site whilst on a landscape photography workshop in the Lake District hosted by fellow blipper John Gravett.
My aim is to share some of my pictures with the blip community, to improve on the pics I take and learn from other "blippers". Here's hoping!
Jun 2020 Update - Thought it about time I updated this profile. Since I joined Blip in 2012 I have been a very occasional contributor but decided to become more regular as Lockdown took hold.
Much has changed. I have moved from paid employment to retired (hate that word) and my photography I like to think has progressed. I am an active member of my local Photographic Society and last year won their Tier one club competition and Image of the Year for that category, so I must have Improved somewhere along the line! We live close to the second highest point in Norfolk, which is about 70m above sea level so benefit from the big skies we get here. Hope you enjoy my images.
Oct 12th, 2020 Harvest Time
Oct 10th, 2020 Turning Leaves 2
Oct 9th, 2020 Turning Leaves
Oct 6th, 2020 Rainbows
Oct 2nd, 2020 The Classic View
Sep 30th, 2020 Derwentwater - After The Rain
Sep 29th, 2020 View From The Bottom - Grizedale Pike
Sep 28th, 2020 Langstrath Valley
Sep 27th, 2020 Catbells and Derwentwater