- from France
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A former web developer living in the south of France. I sometimes blog about food at La Recette du Jour.
I find it very inspiring looking at other people's work here. I'm not very good about commenting, either because I can't think of anything intelligent to say, or I don& Read more...
A former web developer living in the south of France. I sometimes blog about food at La Recette du Jour.
I find it very inspiring looking at other people's work here. I'm not very good about commenting, either because I can't think of anything intelligent to say, or I don't have the time. But if I've subscribed, it's because I admire your work!
I really appreciate the comments I get on my photos, and constructive criticism is always welcome as I seek to improve ...
Email: blipper@larecettedujour.org
Apr 18th, 2012 Fruit
Apr 17th, 2012 Le village
Apr 16th, 2012 Overgrown
Apr 15th, 2012 La promenade
Apr 14th, 2012 Le marché, place Carnot, Carcassonne
Apr 13th, 2012 Something scary this way comes
Apr 12th, 2012 Cheers!
Apr 11th, 2012 La montagne sacrée
Apr 10th, 2012 The world turned upside down