Hi there.

09/09/14 My camera card is playing up and thought that my laptop was broken because it wouldn't show my photos. I got my pc repair man in and all he did was re-load the camera pictures and there they were. Although it is ok I am told get a new card.

I am Sara and have decided to re

Hi there.

09/09/14 My camera card is playing up and thought that my laptop was broken because it wouldn't show my photos. I got my pc repair man in and all he did was re-load the camera pictures and there they were. Although it is ok I am told get a new card.

I am Sara and have decided to re-write my bio since so much has changed.

I dont like gardening but love the garden birds and life in it. The weeding, pruning and lawn mowing appealed once but not any more, I am totally fed up with, my garden is bigger than I can cope with.

After a few negative comments from colleageus I no longer take my camera to work. Women can be such bow wows some times and since I am one I can say that!

You will hear my comments about the family, I shall introduce them. Lewis is my son currently aged 23, his girlfriend Paige is 20.
Mum is Sheila, Gav & Mark my brothers.

I do love my family but sometimes would like to just run off somewhere warm, cosy and VERY quiet.

I am a publicans daughter and talk to all and sundry which does tend to put my son's nerves on edge! lol but I love talking to people, so expect me to ramble.