Lynn's Photo Fun

By nuttymartini

alligator RUSTY has arrived

It is definitely Spring, Mr. Gator is back, well this one is a bit smaller maybe 4-5 years old. The last one I saw out back was last October 2010.
I went kayaking today, not much spring color, but quiet and warm. It was when I got home that my real surprise was in the back pond. I've been watching for alligators to come out of hibernation.

one more day then I go get my knee replacement, so I've been doing outside activities. Today was GREAT.

The alligator is notorious for its bone crushing bites. In addition, the alligator has been described as a living fossil, having been extant (still in existence) for 200 million years, beginning in the Mesozoic Era.

Alligator meat is sometimes used in jambalayas, soups, and stew.

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