As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Super Duper Ooper Schmooper


Kate drove me to Horizons Conference Day at 8:30 this morning. Horizons conference day is a fun-filled day where Horizons kids (Horizons is the elementary school gifted program) take fun classes like stunt planes and gliders and CSI. Mc G teaches Horizons, so we (me, Kate, Audrey, Jaclyn, Kaitlin, Alyssa, and Avery) went to help and reminisce about our past Horizons Conference Days. I helped with the stunt planes and gliders class. After that, I walked around with Kate, Audrey, and Mc G's kids, Kylie and Brady. They are the cutest kids you've ever seen. We walked to the gym and played in there for a little bit and then we brought Brady back so we could go outside with Kylie. We played on the playground (mainly on the swings) while basking in the warm rays of sunshine (although it was a little cloudy). Then we went inside for a snack and played in the other gym. I told Kylie that dinosaurs live in the school and only come out at night. She believed me so I took it a little further. Chris (not my brother) was also helping so I told her that Chris used to be a dinosaur but he pulled out his magic scale so he turned into a person. She still believed me so we went searching for the scale. When we found "it" (a Popsicle stick) she put it on his shoulder and he "turned into a dinosaur". It was actually quite interesting. Then me, Kylie, and Audrey went outside to meet Kate and her dog, Lilly, on the other playground. We were just sitting there minding our own business when a man rudely told us to leave because "playgrounds are for kids, not dogs". Kate had her fifteen-pound dog on her lap and we were nowhere near them but we left anyway. We went to the other playground and the people there had no problem with us. Then Kate left and we went back inside to the gym to play. Kylie took me up on the stage and behind the curtain and told me that I was going to do a Spanish dance. She then went out and announced me to the audience (Audrey). I then came out and cha-cha'd across the stage a few times before bowing gracefully and exiting the stage. She said "I hope you all enjoyed the show! Have a great evening and get home safe!" HOW CUTE! We did this about five more times. I cartwheeled, waltzed, and did other dances. Eventually, Kylie danced and I announced her. We got her mom and a few other parents to come and watch. We danced together and had a lot of fun. Then Brady came out and danced with us. This is Kylie and Brady dancing.

At 4:00, I went to Grace's sweet 16. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! I actually danced a little bit. Then me, Emily, Brendan, and Alexa went into the cages Grace had and danced in there. I had a great time dancing with them. About ten minutes before the party was over, the fire alarm went off and at first we thought it was part of the music. But it wasn't and they told us to exit the building so everyone ran to get their shoes and coats. I grabbed my camera and started leaving when they said it was a false alarm. After that, we danced a little more and left.

Such a good day :D

Word of the Day: Confute - To refute conclusively

These were the other possible blips:
Brady fell on purpose after Audrey fell accidentaly
He's going to be a basketball star (as long as Audrey's there)
Me and Kylie making a paper airplane
BRADY! (again)
Audrey and Brady
Cages :D
Grace and her boys

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