As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Hi, My Name Is Dylan...

...and my cat has AIDS.

I woke up at 7:00 to the sound of my house alarm. What a way to start the day. I had a Jamboree meeting today in New Jersey but my parents couldn't take me so Mr. H offered to take me. His som Tim is in the troop but didn't go to the first meetings. I told him what he missed as we drove there. It was a quiet and awkward ride there. We stopped at the hospital where Mr. H works to pick up cookies for the meeting. He said that the town we were in was the most diverse place in the country. Over 160 different languages/dialects are spoken there. All of the store signs were in different languages and it was really cool to see. The meeting was kind of fun. We played a game where we had to say our name and an interesting fact about us so Dylan said that his cat has AIDS....poor cat. On the ride home, we stopped at a Japanese market that they always go to on their way home from this camp. It was sooooooo cool. I had some noodle and thin beef soup-thing for dinner and then a cream-filled pancake thing for dessert. I definitely looked like an outsider there. The ride home felt a lot faster and it wasn't awkward at all. We talked the whole way home about our experiences at the National Jamboree. I had a fun day.

Track starts tomorrow. I'm really nervous. I think I'm going to be really slow :(

Word of the Day: Demagogue - A leader who obtains power by means of appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace

This is my sister's eye.

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