Trial and Error

By DawnC

Snoozy Lambs

I had envisaged a gambolling lambs blip but I obviously got the wrong time of day! These two were having a little quiet time by themselves away from the rest of the flock.

Lovely day today and I'm very glad I only had to spend the morning at work, although we didn't have much of a walk just now as Basil was suffering with his foot again (I guess the anti-inflammatory injection has worn off). Foot bath for him in a moment.

Off to a talk about the Silchester excavations tonight with my friend Trudi. We have been known to get horribly lost on journeys together, but this time a) it's only down the road and b) I've been there before, so we're both quite optimistic about arriving before the talk ends (maybe even before it starts!) :o)

Will be catching up on my commenting very soon!

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