Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

SNP Women

On this International Women's Day I wanted to blip this piece of artwork that hangs in my office.

The history of the SNP is peppered with strong, articulate, intelligent women. Some in this montage are easily recognisable faces from the stage of modern politics, others have reached iconic status within the Party.

This montage is but a small gathering of the army of women in the SNP.

Everyday I am lucky to work with the women in our local organisations who are campaigning in constituencies the length and breadth of this country. As I write this there are faces and names coming into my head and thoughts of the tireless work they do throughout the year to assist our cause.

All of these women have inspired or are inspiring future generations to play their part in the birth of a modern independent Scotland that enables and encourages all her people to succeed.

Happy International Women's Day.

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