My Girl
16 months 17 days
There's my girl. There's my little moo. I knew when she climbed off my bed this morning and banged at the door to where her swing is kept that she was back. She was up a lot in the night, really wanting to feed- and feed properly, not just comfort snuggleds. Then as soon as she got downstairs she banged at the cupboard where her porridge is saying 'please please please'. She ate a huge bowl of that, most of a piece of toast, raisins... and went on like that all day. Small amounts but lots of them! And apparently, Mummy sitting down for more than a second reminded her that she also wanted to nurse. Come tea time, she went to the cupboard, got her favourite bowl, handed it to me, and when she realised that hadnt made her tea appear yet, she went and slapped it on her highchair.
We went for an explore this morning, with her in the littlelife. Although she got a bit fed up, it was made better when we found a new park - and lots of doggies to say hello to.
After her sleep we were playing at home. She went and got her shoes and tried to put them on. She then went and got mine and tried to put them on me. So I figured we were going out. We walked round a couple of blocks, she decided we were heading towards the supermarket. She sat in the rides and pressed the buttons for a bit, and jumped out her skin when the child in the one next to her put their money in and start moving - she's never seen one of them move, and didn't know they did!
Oh, PS.... I never thought I'd be so pleased to change a poo-y nappy but I really was tonight when it was a normal one!
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