jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Good morning

I couldn't choose between these two today, so, as different as they are, I just couldn't resist a diptych.

I've back-blipped for yesterday if you want to read just how many eggs and how much flour I ended up using for our pancake party, and if you want to read about the calamities that occurred - not related to eggs and flour, thankfully, but calamities nonetheless.... Backblipped because I was childminding / preparing / cooking / entertaining from 2.30pm til 10pm and then we just collapsed into bed (after Steve threatened to go up without me if I picked up the camera to do an emergency blip). All fun!

This morning Ben chose breakfast. Hot chocolate with marshmallows (he ate quite a lot of marshmallows), and a chocolate cake (of which he ate the icing, and left the cake). He's had cheese and juice since. He's still not very well so swimming is a maybe this afternoon, rather than a definitely. If he wakes up in a good mood we might go swimming. It's the first lesson where we parents aren't even getting changed into swimwear so I'd rather he be in a good mood for that!

Then he wanted to play throwing things. So in an effort to avoid having things thrown at me, I got the skittles out and showed him how to stack them up so he could throw the ball at them and knock them down - who wouldn't love to be allowed to deliberately do that. And he surprised me by stacking them up all by himself like this! Of course now they are all over the ground floor and it's going to be fun tidying up later.

He's also been asking where everybody is, from last night. "Where body?" "Body all gone!" Rather thoughtlessly after one "where body?" I replied, there's nobdy here but us chickens.... at which he got rather excited, "Shoes on, hat on, see chickens?" So we have been out to see Hayley's chickens again :) and I got to play on the piano for a bit too. Always lovely.

I can't decide if I should wake up up a bit early from his sleep and give him medicine and food and see if he's perky enough for swimming.... we can always stop the lesson short, I suppose, if he's really not happy...

Oh and the little boy from yesterday who was sick, he's still poorly and to make things worse it's his birthday today! How rubbish. So his birthday party is postponed til Monday in a hope that he'll be better.

Spoke to my dad this morning, Ben wanted to know if we could skype him but he's out working today; but Dad told me about the earthquake in Japan. We have relatives in Kobe where the last bad quake was centered, and I think we have relative elsewhere as well - but it seems the whole island was affected in some way. My heart goes out to them, and to the places where the tsunami warnings are on. I am thankful that the tsunamis aren't expected to hit NZ - that would be too much. The Pacific Ring of Fire is certainly active. Still thinking of NZ though, my heart goes out to all those grieving or still wondering if friends and family are coming home at all.

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