
By willcarroll

Community Supported. Needs Met.

When a young Christian woman, frustrated by the suffering she saw in the world, threw up to God the question:

"God, why don't you do something about the masses of population that are living in poverty?"

...well, God had an answer. He said:

"I did do something - I made you."

This is a central concept of the Economy of Love lived out in the communities that practice the Relational Tithe, and some of what I spent this afternoon reading by the Union canal.

You see, the problem isn't that we don't care about the poor, but that we simply don't know any to care for.

As the sun set, the waters looked calm, but they were moving imperceptibly - although I'm not sure in which direction.

As the sun set, I felt calm, but perhaps was being moved by the words I had read - although I'm not sure in which direction.

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