As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Rube Goldberg Nationals 2011

So much happened today.

We woke up at 6:30, got dressed in our concert attire and went to breakfast. We didn't get a bus in Michigan so we had to walk a mile to Ferris State University in the cold in our fancy clothing. It was quite the adventure. The sun was rising as we walked on the side of the highway. This is our rag-tag group walking into the sunrise. We walked under every sign we saw and kicked a rock the whole way there and back. Mc G, Jermy, and Brady drove the machine there. When we got there, we got to work. We set it up quickly and had time to check out the competition. Some were really good and others were just okay. Out of fourteen teams invited, only twelve came, so we are in the top twelve in the country! We had a good first run, a bad second run, and a weird third run. We didn't place but we had so much fun it didn't even matter. We met a lot of nice people from the Midwest. We had an amazing free lunch at one of the college's restaurants. They had everything, even a make-your-own stir-fry station! After lunch, we walked back to the hotel and got changed only to walk back to take a walking tour of the college. It was a nice tour and we walked back to the hotel afterwards (although many were shuttled back and forth by Mc G). I walked every time though! When we got back, most went to play an intense game of frisbee but Kaitlin, Alyssa, and I drove with Mc G so get birthday candles for Chris and Kyle (today was Chris' birthday and yesterday was Kyle's). I wanted to get a Ferris State sweatshirt but I ended up getting a nice Michigan sweatshirt instead. We got back and had dinner in the hotel at 7:00. It was an interesting meal and Brady sat on Perri's and Alyssa's laps during the meal so we became close friends. He fist-bumps me now! He also likes to show me where my chin is. We sang for the birthday boys during dessert and then we went to the pool. We played a strange game that was like Marco Polo but not... We all (14 kids) hung out in one room until 11:30. Me, Kyle, and Kate talked quite a bit. Then we went back to our rooms, packed, and fell asleep. What a great day!

Word of the Day: Interregnum - The interval between two reigns; also, any breach of continuity in an order.

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