Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Student Scaring Device

- Take 6 students
- Add one grown-up with a hat and t-shirt that says "staff" on it
- Put them all on a big, red thing with wheels
- Don't give the students any instructions other than "pedal!"
- Get the staff member to release the brake and set off at what's a surprisingly high speed. Preferably towards one of the many concrete pillars dotted about, swerving only at the last minute.
- And giggle as they scream
- Repeat as necessary
- Oh and if the staff member could steer one-handed whilst picking his nose with the other hand, that's even better.

I took my camera with me this morning as I crossed campus for a meeting, hoping to get a good shot of the UCU strike. The strike was a damp squib as the "official picket" consisted of 3 bored looking men stood about drinking coffeee next to the Mr Whippy ice-cream van.

But this mutant bike thing was great. First time I passed it, a geeky-looking dude was just stood staring at it, clearly suspecting it to be an evil monster intent on world domination. Second time I passed it, I saw it in action.

Dare to go larger

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