
By willcarroll


Today I was at the bi-annual (I think that's what I mean: I mean it happens twice every year) convening of the Synod of the Methodist Church in Scotland. Together we have some big questions to answer over the shape that the "Connexion" may take "up here" in the years to come. Today showed that these will be difficult to explore.

But we are committed to remaining together. Martyn Atkins , in his recent booklet "Discipleship, and the people called Methodists"describes this compulsion of Methodists that is rooted in the early days of the church:

"The interconnectedness of all Christians through Christ is expressed in the New Testament word koinonia - which basically means 'called together... Christians are impelled, whether in local, national, or international groupings to seek to be 'in communion' with each other. This interconnectedness works in mysterious ways..."

To us in Scotland, it is becoming increasing clear that we need to take this interconnectedness seriously in the way we treat our resources. With only 2500 members across the country, we would do well to look to the example of the early church, who had to live on the means of relatively few. Martyn goes on to say...

"The sharing of resources can easily appear to be merely self preservation, but at its truest and best is profoundly Christian, mission-led and a powerful expression of the mutuality of a disciple-making movement."

So I guess the bridge (over which I drove to get to Synod) represents that connectedness. And it's reflection, the reality that the appearance of our connexion must change - perhaps even to the opposite of how it now looks.

And as I continue to explore privately a question I was asked a fortnight back, things are beginning to become a little clearer. I am sensitised to the jig-saw pieces of the bigger picture that I may otherwise have paid little heedance to. My answer to the first question may yet end up to be "no", but as a result I may say "yes" to other things.

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