
By lifemapper

The Fire

I wanted to record the moment when I did it.

These past five years, I have let go of so many things: my family and friends close by, the dream of a business with my husbnad in france, my yearning for a child, beloved animals. And you know what? It's felt good to finally not only say goodbye to those things, but not need them anymore.

I was born to live with open hands.

I discovered Life Alignment late in my time as a healer. It was a revelation to me: the way they tracked energy and pulled stories out of people and healed them was something that I wanted to spend my life doing. I studied it for three years and did 90 case studies to qualify at the level I wanted to be at. I met many people, helped many - but overall, the more I got into it, and the more powerful I got with it, I realised that despite the system being amazingly good, the people the head guy left to run it when he was away just wanted lackeys and yes people, not original and unique individuals incorporating the things they learned to develop their own style. Also, as the system grew, it changed, and suddenly things I needed to revise and progress on where changing like ever-moving sands under my feet. i spent thousands, and that is the least of it. I spent thousands of hours. Eventually when I came to France, I decided that I had to just admit that despite loving the system, I had to give it up, as it was taking me places I didn't want to go and preventing me from going places that I felt I wanted to pursue. But it did more than that - I ended up just stopping working with healing and energy altogether. I did readings: that was all.

So today, some seven years on from that time, when we cleared out our barn to make way for my art studio, I came across a box full of everything that I had learned - all the notes, case histories, revelationary things I had written about it in the middle of the night. It was a big box. My husband asked me where I wanted to put it. This picture shows you where it went.


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