
By pennipics

Wooden Carved statue Whiston.

This has recently been placed at the entrance to a Park which is reclaimed Tip Land and is now a flourishing wild life centre for walkers.
Foxes rabbits birds of prey are just some of the creatures that live on this land its fairly extensive and I remember it as 'tip' when I first moved to this area in 1970.
The carved wooden statue represents starting at the bottom, in long ago times farming then it was mined for bricks and pottery, the shape is of chimneys, with its blackened interior.
I'm still amazed at land that was smelly and inland Gulls squawked over has become such a beautiful park land.

The beauty of this change is that buildings can never be built on the land due to the rubbish underneath and I suspect its too unstable.

Its fairly sunny with a slight drizzle at times also cool..hope your day is a good one. cheers penny.

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