Thorntons Digital

By thorntonsdigita

Birthday Weekend

This weekend is my birthday weekend, my birthday is not actually until Monday but I like to make an event of it, so today we went up to Junction 32 Shopping Outlet at Castleford. Now I'm not a fan usually of shopping unless it's connected to Photography but I love this outlet it is one of the best I've been to and it's only an hour up the road. I bought new tops new shoes, new walking shoes,water proof jacket for our forthcoming camping trip and a small torch ideal for photo shoots when I'm trying to see in my photo bag. My mother in law gave me some money to spend but I've kept it back because I think I'm going to treat myself to a raynox 150 , a macro accessory.

When we got back I am 5 minute photoshoot in my mother in laws garden and then played around with it in lightroom. Ok it's another flower but I love trying different things and finally this week got round to using my proper camera.

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