
By spitzimixi

happy blipday to me

so, here it is merry blipday!
I had no plan of what to blip today, in fact, I was suffering badly from performance anxiety but then Flea's egg-eater came to the rescue because he's just the cutest thing in the world - she made him herself y'know *proud mami moment*
so, there you go, a bit more than a year but 365 times - hopefully some kind of change was seen on the journey, maybe there was even a point in it all. Whatever, I enjoyed it.

Thanks to all the creative, funny, caring, lovely people for all the creative, funny, caring, lovely moments. Thanks to the people who make the hamsters run round the right wheels in the background.

I took a day off my 30 day song challenge to present you with song 28a "the song that you feel like listening to right now" and here it is, dedicated to all you vagabonds and your children.

Will be back with 366 tomorrow. *runs off to play with her balloon*

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