
this morning Mr. Spitzimixi played volleyball again for the first time in ages. The children were playing too - as well as lots of other parents and team-members - finishing up with lunch together. Sadly, I didn't play because my lungs aren't well enough. Obviously, had I been well, nothing would've kept me off the pitch, court, field, bit of the floor what one plays on...because I am so knowledgable about volleyball and have a great love of the game. Now my big two are no longer minis and are in new training teams.

Today has been wonderfully sunny and we've had a barbecue and bought us shedloads of icecream. Littlest spitzimixi is talking to me without pausing for breath which means I no longer have any idea of what I'm writing....

Today's song is something I wish I could play. Oh, now she's sticking her head in front of the monitor too, that makes everything really easy. Now, if I go onto youtube and find the song I'm thinking off, I will be forced to watch lady gaga clips with her til me eyes start bleeding, so I hope you will forgive me for just telling you which song it is - one of my long held ambitions is to learn to play the flute bit in the Chess song One Night in Bankok. Go and listen to it and you'll see what I mean. But right now I'm listening to this even though I'm not thinking of running away at all. Specially not with all that icecream in the freezer.....maybe child will take the hint and runaway to bed?

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