Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Learning to let go

Having helped mum through some difficult decisions yesterday regarding what she should keep and what it was time to let go of I felt it was only fair I started on my old room and did the same. There were ornaments and little trinkets, bits and bobs, but on top of the wardrobe was my old art and food technology portfolios from my GCSEs. I wasn't quite ready to let go of the food technology work (though when I've scanned it all in to the computer I will) but it was time to let the art go. I decided that I would photograph all the peices, not quite as accurate as the real pictures but now I will always have photos as a reminder of the work.

This was part of a series on landscapes that I did. We often had caravan holidays at a farm in Yorkshire and in the holidays before my work was due to be submitted I sat in the sunshine for many hours, sketching and ensuring I had enough pieces to submit. I was always very pleased with this one of an old building.

Before heading for my train mum and I had a bit of silliness so she could learn more about portraiture. I don't like my photo being taken but out of the ~300 shots she took I liked a lot of them!

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