Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

My new bracelet

I had a really fun day today. I went round to see N & J and their little collection of snakes. When I first met this girl she was nippy and nasty. She's now doubled in size and completely mellowed. She spent half the time trying to be a bracelet and the other half trying to be a pendant. She's a Boa, they're fantastic little creatures, they have very keen eyesight and you can watch them watching things, they also have an unusual ability of turning their tongue out sideways!

Headed off to Dunfermline as Seprentus Exotics had been having their shop renovated. Nice what they've done with it but very noisy without the carpet. Got back around 6pm then was back out to the Regent to celebrate with S as he's just been offered a place at a drama school in London.

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