Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Shed cycle

I had promised myself I was going to try and go at least until Sunday without blipping Milo but I felt this was important to make a record of.

After two days of not handling him whilst he let his mouse digest, I got him out for a little while this evening. At first I just thought the light was poor and that's why he looked darker but then i noticed his eyes had gone misty blue. He's preparing to shed.

They put a layer of liquid between the new scales and the old ones to help loosen them. As they have scales covering their eyes, these go a misty blue (best seen in the large version), his colour also darkens. In 5 - 10 days time he will go clear again and then hopefully have a nice successful shed with all the skin coming off in one piece. If I'm lucky this will happen on Wednesday or Thursday, if I'm unlucky it will happen over the weekend and I'll miss it as I'm away.

For comparison, here he is 2 days ago

Backblipped yesterday

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