Picture Consequences

By consequences

Time to go

Closing the door on Nick, Sarah and Phil Armstrong, Molly turned back to the assembled women. "Right. Now," she said, clapping her hands together, "where were we? Ah yes. Ladies, it's time to go."

A voice asked "but Molly - won't they have brainwashed your Adam, like they did the others?"

She smiled. "No, Jean. I'm pretty sure they won't. In fact, it's one of the things I'm counting on."

"But how can you be so sure?"

"The same reason, Jean, that I know you can't be brainwashed. The same reason none of us can be brainwashed."

Jean looked confused. "But how? When did you get the chance to prepare him for it?"

Before Molly could reply, Alice spoke. "You sly devil," she said admiringly.

"Back at the hospital, we all got it wrong, didn''t we," said Alice. "It wasn't Hewson and Armstrong who got to Adam first, was it. It was you."

Molly grinned. "Ladies, Alice here is right. And soon, I hope to hear her explain it to all of us over a decent cup of tea. But right now, we need to get to the church - agreed?"

"Er Molly," said Margaret. "Won't it be a bit obvious if we just turn up at the front door?"

"It would indeed," replied Molly. "Which is why we're all going upstairs."

Part Three begins here.

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