Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Follow the Leader

After a stop in the Apple computer store at Victoria Gardens, we walked through the gardens and past the shops to the library. Along the way we stopped to watch the kids having a blast at the fountain area. This is a shot of the young dads trying to teach their kids to walk through the spouts without getting any water on them. I'm not sure who was having more fun the dads or the kids. It all looked like "follow the leader." I rarely suggest looking at it in "big" but I think this one is quite worth the time. Tap the magnifying glass on the toolbar below the photo.

It was another summer-like day here with the high of 82 degrees F. The weather reporters claim that we've got rain and cold temps on the way. We'll see.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

P.S. Speaking of leaders, it was 43 years ago today the Martin Luther King, Jr. was murdered. It was certainly an ugly day in history. Several years ago we were in Memphis and stopped at the Lorraine Motel. He was a remarkable man. He lived his life with purpose and he's accomplished more in death than many people do in life.

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