a daff for the taffs

it seems to be an unwritten rule in Spitziland that, if one takes 10 pictures at least 9 of them will have a bit of a cat or a chicken on them. This is the one that got away. Blipfoto has much to answer for and one of they things is the fact that I am regularly found lying on the floor somewhere shouting at something to get out of the f-ing way. One of the cats even STOOD ON the flower I was trying to get. And, when I had the smart idea of taking pictures OF the cats and chickens, they refused to perform at all and just showed me their bums.

Nearly done with the song challenge - the whole meaning in my life is slipping away. I think I might even be on song 29/30. Anyway, a song from my childhood...and yes, children, it was a bit like that in those days, it was probably the vast amount of drugs people took. And I was always a bit worried about the fact that I already had blue eyes. What does that mean?

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