Unexpected turn

As Adam and his gran drank their tea from what she'd describe as "elegant" and he as "fiddly" cups, their conversation followed a familiar course; like dancers, they knew the steps and reactions that were expected of them.

Oh, there was enough variation to reassure them that they weren't just repeating previous conversations - but enough familiarity to be comforting.

Gran would ask how his job was going.

Adam would give enough details to make his "fine" sound convincing.

Gran would ask what films he'd seen lately.

Adam would mention a carefully-chosen selection (Ai No Corrida would not receive a name-check).

Gran would ask if he'd spoken to his mum or dad.

Adam would know she already knew the answer, but would mumble something about meaning to, but you know how it is...

The time would pass very easily, until the point where Adam would make a move as if thinking about leaving - when his gran would then offer another cup of tea "before you head off".

This time though, as she stood to make the tea, she placed a brass key on the table. "Would you be a love and give the clock a wind, Adam?" she asked. "I remember you used to love doing that when you were little. And these days, you probably don't need to stand on the chair to reach, eh?"

Story starts here.

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