A bargain.

6 bottles of a decent red for 5 euros, it's one of the prizes in the raffle for our Spring Ball, which we have organised for April 29th.

Good game of golf today, we started the 'match play' comp, leagues of four, the top two from each league go through to the next round. My playing partner had to give me 2 shots, one on the 4th and the other on the 17th, the rest of the holes were played as 'scratch' golf. He was 2 up for most of the game, but I managed to pull it back to 'all square' with 4 holes to go. All he had to do was play steady golf and he probably would have won, what did he do, on the 16th he tried to knock the skin off the ball, as a result it went 50 metres and ended up in the hazard, he tried to hack his way out, didn't succeed and conceded the hole to me. Similar on the 17th, so I won 2 up with 1 to play. He was not a happy bunny. He was gracious in defeat, he bought me a drink, fizzy water!!!

Off out for a meal tonight with Mitch and Tina, looking forward to that.

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