New Blood

The first day of my holiday involved visiting Archie, then coming home with Henry to spend the afternoon dismantling a forsythia bush which had been long-dead and then got blown over in the recent winds. We had great fun chopping it up, and it's now merrily burning in the living-room as I type this. This might be the time to get a fireplace.

Archie is pictured having a blood transfusion - apparently, something that regularly occurs. Babies of that age who should still be in the womb rely on their mothers to manufacture and refresh their blood for them. Poor Archie can't yet do this for himself, so the transfusion does it for him.
Thank you to people who are blood-donors. I stopped for a while and intend to start doing it again. I'd do anything for a cup of tea and a biscuit.

My blood type sums me up - Oh...negative, but I hope Archie's becomes his motto - Be positive.

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