
By Fisherking

...Another one bites the dust.........

The mighty Red Devils go marching on in the Champions League.

I know you're not all United fans....or even football fans ....but I am.

I was born 10 days after the Munich disaster.
I watched United win their first European Cup in 1968....and from that moment I was hooked.
I endured years of waiting for them to win a League title, until 92/93...and now I've seen them win 11.
I waited until 1999 for another European title and then again in 2008.

Tonight is all the sweeter because my fishing buddy Shaun is a Chelsea fan, he texted me as the game started "Are you scared?" reply "No, you're going down"
Funnily enough the texts got more infrequent as the match progressed and they stopped just after United scored the second goal.

I know this isn't the best blip in the world, but when you love something with a passion sometimes you just have to tell the world!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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