
By Fisherking

...Hand me my leather.......

Dead on my feet!

This has been such a long half term and there's still two days and a Parent's Evening to go.

I have no energy left, almost no enthusiasm left and very little patience with teenagers who have no sense of urgency regarding the approaching GCSE exams.If just one more whines, "Why are you making us do these practice exams?" I might just have a real snapper! It doesn't matter how many times you explain that the exam has only been running since 2007, and is being replaced next year, so therefore the questions on past papers are racing certs to appear again (albeit slightly amended) and so practicing will ensure they know what they're going to be asked and which answers are expected, they just don't get it (or don't want to get it).

Bloody hell! We've just had a power cut! Fortunately only lasted 2 minutes and when it came back on I managed to restore previous session and get back here.

The Boss made a cracking Chicken Dhopiaza tonight and I settled down to watch Spurs v Real Madrid in the vague hope that a 4-0 deficit could be overcome....but it's not to it's Real v Barcelona in one semi and United v Schalke in the other.

I blipped this because its one of many bits of "jewellery" lying around this house by the Daughter. I've just realised I'n so tired I forgot to crop it or anything. Probably looks crap, but I'm too knackered to care. Bet tomorrow's won't be much better after a full day's teaching and a 7.30 finish to Parent's Evening!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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