.....every cloud has a silver lining.......

The weather was better today.

Up and about this morning, took the Boss a coffee up stairs and then tootled off to do a few little jobs.

Back at lunch time....dodged the Asda run ....and decided on a couple of hours fishing (on orders from jkj1o)....Charlie (no not the baby one, the fishing buddy one) decided to join me.

The wind was bitter...but being a roughty-toughty Northerner.....a proper one from the North East...or as the Boss would say " A bit of a pillock!"...I hadn't bothered with a coat. The temp went from 13 degrees in the sunshine, down to 5 degrees when the clouds covered the Sun. It went from being "glorious" to "bloody freezing" every five minutes or so.

The fishing was poor...changing temperature doesn't help....Charlie caught a small crayfish, which doesn't count....and I had three bites, the third one being a perch of about a pound and a half.

We went to the fun quiz tonight...and had dinner in the pub...steaks!....and we won the quiz...so that's £20 for next week.

It's up early tomorrow, I have to take YH to a hospital appointment and then look after Charlotte, and then take them both back home. I should get tomorrow afternoon to myself...what to do....more fishing...... or dozing in front of a film......or knocking up something exotic for dinner?

Hmmm...decisions, decisions.

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