....Beware, take care, it's Friday 13th.....

Hands up if you think my number plate is dirty!

Hands up if you're scared of Friday 13th?
Hands up if you think this is called Triskadekaphobia?

Wrong! That's fear of the number 13....fear of Friday 13th is Paraskavedekatriaphobia!

I'm not bothered by 13.......my lab is Room 13, my car reg has a 13, my email address has a 13, my fishing club membership is 13, my sports shirts were 13.

But I am fascinated by phobias....and how odd some of them seem to be......here's an A-Z (almost) of some of the unusual ones.

Alcohol: Methyphobia......not me!
Beautiful women: Caligynephobia......again no!
Computers: Cyberphobia.....obviously not
Drinking: Dipsophobia......see A
Everything: Panophobia.....blimey!
Fish: Ichyophobia.....obviously not.
Gravity: Barophobia....what?
Hospitals: Nosocomephobia.....hmmm, maybe.
Injections: Trypanophobia......not me!
Jealousy: Zelophobia.....don't think any one's jealous of me.
Kissing: Philematophobia.......no way!
Lonliness: Eremophobia.....nope!
Money: Chrometophobia....chance would be a fine thing.
Nudity: Gymnophobia....nope!
Old People: Gerontophobia....scared of a Granny...not me.
Peanut Butter sticking to the roof of mouth: Arachibutyrophobia...what?
Russians: Russophobia....no way!
Snow: Chionophobia...love snow!
Teenagers: Ephibiphobia...not in my job.
Undressing: Dishabillophobia...how do they ever get to bed?
Vegetables: Lachanophobia...I might have this one!
Words-long: Hippopotomonstrosquipedailophobia...ironic or what?
X-rays: Radiophobia...thought that was afear of DJ's.

In other news:
1. YH got the all clear this morning..eyes are perfect
2. Charlie was little angel for me.
3. Didn't go fishing...it was pissing down again.
4. Did have 40 winks in front of a film this afternoon....ok, 400....oh, all right then, 4000!
5. Took the easy route for dinner tonight....take away pizza!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

p.s. If you want a tip for the big race tomorrow....West End Rocker or On His Own

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