
17 months 27 days

Its been a good day. We started it by going out for a walk for an hour or so, Katie in the backpack to wave at all the dogs and cats. It was getting hot even by 9.30. We got sorted then headed to church. We went to the church in the village today as ours had no childrens groups on. The service was really nice, very relaxed and noone batted an eyelid as the kids danced, chattered to each other, ran back and forwards to their activity table. They went out for the talk, and I went with Katie. They had the palm sunday story and learnt a new song with the makaton signs. Katie tried really hard to do the signs. It was nice too because she saw all her friends from tea and toast.

After church we came home for a spot of lunch and did few bits at home. We went over to introduce ourselves to the new neighbour, who has a 13week old baby girl and is also a single mum. We said hello to very gorgeous little Amelia. It turns out her mummy used to live in my house!

We then went to asda for a few bits that we needed and cant get here. After we'd been, Katie spotted the inflatable slide and bouncy castle that were outside. She was too young for the slide but the woman said I could take her on the bouncy castle, so I paid the money. When we went up to the castle, she wouldnt let me sit any further than the little getting on bit, so Katie wouldnt go on, and she wouldnt give me my money back. SI thought it was rather out of order, but hey ho!

To cheer Katie up (who was repeatedly saying "slide, slide slide" the whole journey back, I took her to the garden centre and we went to hunt for pretties. There was a couple of owls there (with handlers!) from a sanctuary near by, so Katie stroked an eagle owl and beautiful barn owl .

Since we got back, she's been extremely bouncy and has done a mountain of pictures too. She appears to have decied that drawing on her legs is as much fun as drawing on the paper though and kept looking at me grinning. Bath time beckons, i feel!

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