Very Cheeky Girls

17months 28 days

A quiet, uneventful but pleasant morning this morning. Completely overshadowed by events of the afternoon. Katie and I packed up the car and a picnic and took a drive. We stopped for some lunch in a nice coffee shop, had a look round a couple of shops.

Then Katie and Legs Longer and Legs Little took Astrabound by storm. What a time the girls had. Longer Legs and Katie are a match made in adventuring, mischiefmaking, cheekyness heaven. Katie met her match with a very fast slide, Longer Legs met her match with some scramble netting. But boy did they push their limits on everything else! They had no concept of 'too little for that' and tried almost everything in the big kids' huge area (yet were both terrified of the toddler tunnel, go figure).

Snack time was a slightly chaotic affair, resulting in a shared, communal collection of snacks and drinks, which left the Mummies and Daddy a little short-changed. There then followed another round of diving in the balls, football, and charging- Katie did not stop running around, apart from during snack time. Even the Legs Girls Mummy and Daddy seemed staggered at how fast and for how long a toddler could belt at high speed round a place. Katie was very taken with them both, she loved Little Legs (undestandable, she is a gorgeous little doll) and had a wonderful time with Longer Legs. However, we felt after several hours it was better for the security of mankind if Longer Legs and Katie were separated before they succeeded in plotting world domination for toddlers. There were lots of hugs and kisses, then Katie spent ten minutes repeatedly saying 'bye bye'... 'Longerlegs gone' in the car.

We stopped at Sainsburys for some tea, and Katie had another run round, before she flopped very quickly in the car on the way home. Thankyou girls (and Legs' Daddy). We had a really lovely time.

PS: For 3 adults and 3 toddlers, we were charged the grand total of THREE POUNDS!! Bargain or what?!

PPS all toddlers have been blipped with permission

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