must try harder

By halfcj

Lucky day?

called into the Oxfam shop to buy something, nothing special, just something I saw in the window which I will not divulge as it will be a surprise later in the week for the recipient. It's not the point of my day anyhow.

The Oxfam shop is right by the bus stop in Teddington. Put the item down and had my money ready. Youngish chap, possibly a volunteer doing his bit, but doing it very slowly. It was very frustrating, got to the point where I had to mention that I didn't want to miss my bus...just as I saw it arrive outside. A two minute transaction had taken almost 5 minutes. Telling him to keep the change, I rushed out of the shop just as doors closed and driver ignored me, pulling away. Of course, the next bus took way longer than the 8 minutes waiting time scheduled, more like 15 minutes. Never sure whether the first was early or the second was late...maybe a combination of both, but as you'll have guessed, the first was empty and the second was packed. Shan't be buying a lottery ticket this week!

On a luckier note, I had decided to have a costa in the sun after posting off a portrait to a client and this really vibrant happy chappy had approached me for a light. Seeing my camera, asked if I wanted to take a photo of him! Strange thing, as soon as I got my camera up and took a picture, he 'posed'. No longer the vibrant happy chappy, but a more serious look came across his face, presumably desperate to look his best. I took three, each time he reverted to this look and thus they were all the same! Shame, but I felt I couldn't ask him for more to get the character that approached me.

Also strange...throughout the 5 or so minutes he chatted to me, he never once took the phone from his ear, nor did he speak to anyone on the other end. He nonetheless left with a philosophic thought...that he had indeed been part of my life today. Lucky he was.

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