must try harder

By halfcj

Confessions of an alcoholic.

Yes...I have a confession to make.

Not feeling so good after meeting Tom for a drink this evening...had taken this shot of him at the barbers before we had that drink. Joe joined us and bought me a pint! Actually went to the bar and bought drinks for the first time in his the nice way not the bad way! Had his ID ready - pleased as punch. :)...then he went off to the Guillemots concert in Camden Town. Said it was fantastic.

Afraid after we got back, had some wine with our dinner and then sat in the garden with Gus chewing the cud, father and two sons. B went to bed and before I knew it, I was waking up on the couch with the TV on, not really knowing why I was there!

Hence, this is a back blip with a bit of a sore head (which I have been getting recently - but seldom experienced as a result of alcohol - I've been lucky that way - so now not sure if it is related or just another sore head day!?) If it is the alcohol, that's disappointing, as it probably means I'm going to start getting the dreaded hangovers as I approach my bus pass!

That doesn't make me an alcoholic....does it?

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