must try harder

By halfcj

SP - Be Vigilante.

Intense day. Developers let me down badly and got a lot of grief from a client as a result. So many empty promises and guarantees. Not happy. Problem is, everyone's full of good ideas of how I should have managed and solved I didn't make an effort! I guess my best just wasn't good enough...cos now we're late. [Told you fireworks were due this week - knew it was coming].

Spookiest piece of advice I had was the need to "Be Vigilant!", boomed as I imagine a Sargeant Major would. The reason it was spooky is because when I got off the phone, (I had been pacing in the garden and the sun, doing the 'power' talk thing) I sat back to my desk and the Mac had gone into screen saver mode, so those of you with Macs will know there is a screen saver called 'Word of the Day', in which it displays a word with it's definition. - I would have blipped it, as I took a photo to prove to you, but realised as it was text, they would probably not allow it.

Anyhow, back to the spooky bit...the word on screen, with it's definition and derivation etc etc, was in fact 'vigilance'! I took it as a sign! So I am going to be "...keeping a careful watch for possible danger or difficulties." At least I'll see them coming even if there's nothing I can do to avert them. But Vigilant I shall be.

The look of amazement on my face here is about seeing the word on screen, having only just been directed on the phone to perform the defined vigilance. Having taken it, I realised that this must be a very familiar sight for my family, used to seeing me all hours staring intently at my screen. An occupational hazard. My work and my pleasure.

Poor B.

Just love that 50mm lens! Smooths out so many of the bumps and wrinkles at f1.8!

PS - Sorry for changing pic - The more I looked at this this morning, the more it reminded me of an old Caravaggio or chiaroscuro painting, so I replaced the pure photo with a photo-illustration version. I always loved Caravaggio as a youngster and he was probably my greatest creative influence in those days. PPS - Best Large and original here.

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