
By willcarroll


Today was definitely one of those days when I left work with more work to do than with which I had begun the day. AND I wasn't even trying. It wasn't that I didn't get much done - I got through my fair share of jobs. It's just that new ones kept popping up. Good practice for prioritisation, I tell myself.

Anyway, apart from that it was a pretty good day. Though it doesn't quite feel like Holy week, spending all of it at work (except the weekend coming, of course). This will be my first Good Friday at work, ever. I have mixed feelings about that.

Normally, Holy Saturday (the day after Good Friday) is one of my favourite days of the year. It's always a bit of an uncomfortable day - the day of waiting between marking Jesus' death on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter Day. But it is a day when I notice things - time passing, light changing, people coming and going. It is that heightened sense of awareness of someone who feels exposed and at risk - a small taste of what it must have been like to be a follower of Jesus on the first Holy Saturday. It's that sense of discomfort that - although a little unpleasant - is the motivation to move on and do things a bit differently in future. I hope that I'll still feel that way this year, not having spent Good Friday in the usual way (well, usual for me at least).

Anyway, last week I bought myself a new watch, as I broke the last one (I get through them quite quickly!). So now I can more easily notice the time pass on every day - not just intrinsically on Holy Saturday. This is it, constricting the blood flow to my arm. Excuse me now, as I loosen it off a little for the rest of the evening...

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