
By willcarroll

Nothing special

Just a quick Blip today. My favourite convenience food: A pack of filled fresh pasta from [Insert name of your local supermarket] with some tinned tomatoes as sauce.

My day at work was one when I began to do some of the "lots of work" that I generated yesterday, making good use of the early evening time when everyone else was leaving to get things done without distraction. And I got to miss the rush-hour traffic to boot.

I popped into Ratho on my way home. I knew some mates were in climbing, so I thought I'd say "hi". I had intended to join them on the walls, but it felt a bit late to start by the time I got there. In any case, I was quite happy just to ponse around in my suit for an hour!

Listening to my I-pod on my way into work earlier, I heard some lyrics that I thought I'd share here this evening. But I can't remember them just now... Sorry about that. Maybe "shuffle" will play it to me again tomorrow! Or maybe I'll remember later, and have to come back to fit it in here...

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