
By Appreciation

Queensferry was so very busy today. A bit of sun, some holidays and the people flock there. It was not the retreat that I need it to be on a Wednesday afternoon. In fact I resorted to the church yard to get a bit of quiet. After that I was more than happy to see all the smiling faces in the bars and restaurants and on the front licking ice creams.

Sadly none of them were me. The har has been there all day, this morning you couldn't see the bridges. I like that this shot shows the graduation of the har and the haze of the sun.

Scarlet came round later with her brand new toy. It is gorgeous and I feel very honoured to get first shot at holding and taking shots with it. What a very lucky girl she is. How exciting to buy that first prized toy that you have earned money and saved up for. Can't wait to see the shots from it.

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