nogbad's blips

By nogbad

First assemble your BBQ

Like many other people I decided that I'd like a BBQ this weekend. Headed out to B&Q to buy one after checking online that they had the model I wanted in stock. Got there and took the last one off the shelf - no charcoal though. No worries, round to Tesco to buy meat and salads and a cheeky bottle of gin and some tonic to keep it company and - they didn't have much charcoal either. Grabbed a bag and headed home. I fear that charcoal may become a currency at this rate - strangely enough I drove through the woods on the way home and they coppice and make charcoal in clearings; I guess they are working like Trojans to supply demand just now.

Putting together the BBQ has only taken a couple of hours but I think I'm past faffing around cooking on it tonight. I think I might chuck a burger in the griddle pan and crack open the gin and enjoy the late afternoon sun.

Have a great Friday evening folks!

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