dark obsidian

By darkobsidian

Good Friday

'Behold, behold the wood of the cross, on which is hung our salvation.
O come let us adore' - from the Good Friday liturgy

Like christians the world over I headed to church (well the cathedral really) this afternoon for a service venerating the cross to celebrate Good Friday. I thought I'd take a photo while I was there as it seemed kind of appropriate for the day but there were a few people quietly praying and I didn't really want to disturb them by looking like a poncey blipper in a church so this was the best I could do from the side aisle without getting in anyone's way. From this angle though you do get a pretty good view on one of the cleaned up stained glass windows and some of the newly restored paintwork.

This evening I am celebrating Good Friday by eating some noodles and watching Jesus of Nazareth. I might if it finishes early enough also fit in Jesus Christ Superstar as that is my absolute favourite but maybe I'll save that for tomorrow.

I've also been cleaning up my coffee pot in preparation for Easter Sunday so it's already to go. Now my dilema is - should I have a have a cup of coffee after the Easter vigil tomorrow night even though it means I probably won't be able to sleep or should I do the sensible thing and just have the chocolate as I normally would and wait the extra few hours till the morning when I can have as much coffee as I want? It's a difficult one - I just so want a coffee right now. I don't think I'll ever do anything as crazy as giving up coffee for the whole of lent again!

'Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday'

Fulton J. Sheen

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