must try harder

By halfcj

What have I become?

Had the most delightful impromptu BBQ around at a friends house, invited at about 4.30pm and there by 6pm. I confess I find it difficult to believe it was that impromptu - it was fabulous. A fab Spatchcock Whole Chicken amongst other things that were cooked to perfection. There was homemade Beetroot and goat's cheese bake, homemade bread, salads, cous-cous and new potatoes roasted in garlic and butter followed by homemade carrot cake and ginger cake, of course not to forget the roasted marsh mallows!....all for maybe 18/20 people!

It was good to catch up with friends, some of whom had just returned from their Easter break in Sri Lanka and others whom we had not seen for some weeks - unusual in itself. Summer is on the way and I spent most of it in their garden until well after the blue hour had passed.

Now I'm not big into flowers nor pictures of. OK, I have taken a couple in my journal, most for the purpose of collecting a macro shot to expose colour, beauty, new life and my lack of 'macrobility'. (I just make that word up, the combination of macro and ability!...unless someone can tell me it is a proper word that I just don't know! - if it's not, I shall submit it to the Oxford Dictionary for the purpose of fulfilling my 5 minutes of fame!)

However, on this occasion, our friends have a beautiful garden for sure, and one of the best examples of my favourite plant, the Wisteria. The combination of these two things, then I couldn't resist capturing the bloom for all you flower lovers out there.

Of course, you'll appreciate I have done this purely for you all, as I'm far too cool and hip not to have something more philosophically profound and creatively original to blip and share with you all. No, I have sacrificed my own personal blip motives to bring you a banal shot that will undoubtedly lend support to Andrew Hoyles assertion that I am simply a ponce doing it in private for a change.

So, tomorrow I will revert to being true to my inner creative urges and pledge to return to the task of following all blippers to the photographic promised land. For today, I'll take it on the chin if you wish to called me 'Darby' as I feel this lovely bloom is worth the humiliation. Now I must make my way to bed...Joan has already gone!

PS - felt strange writing my mum actually is called Joan!!

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