must try harder

By halfcj

Simple things.

All B's family came over for Easter Sunday Lunch today. We had a massive Lamb joint that Tom had boned and rolled, more than enough for the 18 people crammed around our table! The sun shone as the kids raced manic around the garden in their hunt for chocolate rewards.

I took loads of photos. Just family stuff really. I had intended to take some nice portraits of any who wanted, but it was a family occasion, much fun, banter, catch up and family whispers. Not sure any of the shots I took would interest anyone beyond the family and in fact, the eventual shot was actually taken by Gus on my camera as we enjoyed our Easter Sunday traditional breakfast, boiled eggs (those we had drawn our faces on) and soldier toast. We wallowed it the pleasure of the craic, chocolates at breakfast, the giving, the receiving, the guilty tolerance.

Gus' shot summed up, better than any I could muster, the essence of a day like today and the look on daisy the Cow's face was somewhat similar to how I was feeling as I watch the joy a simple piece of moulded chocolate could deliver.

Hope you all have a great Easter, what is now left.

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