must try harder

By halfcj

My little Minchkins were upset!

B's friend gave her a ticket to Tim Minchin's concert at the Albert Hall for tomorrow night! The boys were devastated, as fanatical fans of the antipodean comic.

"How unfair!".

B had only heard of him through them, but had never really seen any of his work apart from small snippets. Frequently the boys would be in raptures and call for either one of us to come take a look!

As dutiful parents, we would take a peak, but invariably embroiled in the daily humdrum life of catering or pandering to their every other need, the preview would be cursory at best and never really penetrated the haze that surrounds a slave's brain as they go about their parental tasks, having just completed their paid ones in the designated 8 or 9 hours earlier in the day.

In fact we know of him mainly because both boys appear to know every lyric the man has written spending most of their waking hour singing them as they wander around the house and garden in the daze that is a teenager.

"That's Life!" I say. The hard man. He who must be obeyed. The man of the house. "Tough luck! - Your Ma is going and that's that!" that the phone I hear? Yes, call for Mrs B, the booking office wanting to confirm if the tickets ordered today will be collected or posted next day delivery to the house. Oh, two tickets is that....for the stalls...booked online?....Oh, 5 minutes go with the one stuck on the fridge?...yes, of course I'll be here to sign for them....are you sure there's not 3? 2! OK.

B - soft as Clarks! (Dinner for one tomorrow night then!)

Meanwhile...back in the garden, I couldn't believe the dandelion seeds hadn't blown away yet...but now they are dry, so I thought...'Make hay while the sun shines'...not sure when I'll get another chance with dandelions? Is there a season for them? Presumably it's nearly over?

Got the black reflector this time, wanted to see how close in I could get without a macro lens and wanted to try and pick up the white stems best I could. Not brilliantly crisp I'm afraid, need one of those prime macro 100mm lenses. One day. But I quite like the softness and dreamy feel I got. Hope you like it too!

oh, and little Minchkins are no longer upset now that they're seeing their little Minchin! Now what do I fancy doing........?

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