must try harder

By halfcj


OK. It's official. I have become obsessed!

I'm so sorry for those regulars who may turn up here to see something different. But look at it from my point of view:

I don't really know about dandelions. Blipfoto is making me think more about these things than I would have in the past, so I don't know how long they last really. But here I am, going out for the third day, and still....there it is. The same dandelion. I thought they only lasted a day! The last one I photographed only lasted about an hour!! So imagine my surprise when I venture out this morning...and there it is...still there!

"It's a sign!!"
(Best Monty Python's quote I know!)

I have to do something. What haven't I done already? So the only thing to do is push the envelope. I remember my mentor in my early career saying:

"When you think you've done everything you possibly can...think again!"

To be honest, when I was younger, I had no real idea what he meant, but of course now I realise he meant that I needed to think outside the envelope. And even though I had no idea what he meant, instinctively, what I did was think outside the envelope...thinking I was being just, well, stupid!

So I looked at this little fella, who was looking a little sorry for himself at this stage, a little yellow, off colour, like your teeth first thing in the morning after a night on the red wine and cheese platter - too drunk to remember to clean them before you went to bed, and in thinking I had got as close as I could, realised that there was another option to get even closer...if I could make it work.

My eyesight is not that brilliant. I need a pair of glasses for normal vision and another for reading. Consequently, I have an antique magnifying glass that B bought for me that sits on an occasional table by the side of the sofa I sit on to watch TV. "Just in cases" [Love Actually quote] I need to read something whilst watch TV.

So, armed with my magnifying glass and camera...out to the dandelion I skip.
On my knees. Camera. Magnifying Glass. Click click. NOT easy! Very difficult to focus through; magnifying glass in left hand, shaking!, camera in right hand, shaking!, knees on concrete, shaking!, wind blowing dandelion, shaking.....and what, you expected it to be in focus CJ?!!! Get a grip.

So sorry, three in a row, and the best I could manage. It's closer than yesterday's, but I think that's as far as I can push my standard lens!

Tomorrow will be different I PROMISE!....because by 12 noon...the dandelion was no more.

PS - Believe it or not...this is the very same dandelion as the one I shot yesterday and the day before...and three more different shots of the same things I could not have imagined!

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