
After my youngest daughters fantastic efforts at fundraing, today she got a call from her college lecturer asking why she charged one of the other students for the privilage of filming the event. The truth was that this other character who was supposed to be doing a journalistic peice, hadnt bothered to find a subject so the night before the ceilidh, he plagued her with calls to let him use her event to do a bit on. She thought about it then said to him providing he paid her £30 towards the £200 venue cost and providng the people gave their permission then ok. She aske d the folks and they agreed that it was not unreasonable to ask him to donate towards the cost being as all he had to do then for his piece was turn up and film it, we even agreed to be interviewed by him.

So what does he do in return? he complains to his lecturer who then gets onto my daughter! Where is the justice here?
My other daughter did the same cousre some years back and got on well and enjoyed both the course and her fellow students. Only last week again my youngest spent over an hour on the phone trying to source a PA system for another classmate ending with her doing a 200 mile round trip to Oban to get a PA for this lazy sod and he never even had the courtesey to turn up at her gig last night.!
There seems to be an attitude of you owe it to me But I need to do Jack Sh** in return!!!!

You bring your kids up to be responsible careing individuals then these twats that d odiddly squat can get on just as well piggy backing on the goodness of others, its just ont right and whats more annoying is these college lecturers pandering to these lazy sods , the tail wagging the bloody dog once more

End of rant!

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